Group BBQ
As we approach the end of the Scouting year and hopefully some decent warm weather in June, we would like to invite you and your family to a BBQ for all Group members and friends of the tenth.
Where? STEAMVALE FARM, 38 Ballyhanwood Road, Belfast
When? FRIDAY 13th JUNE
Time? 7pm ONWARDS
Cost? FREE
The Group shall be providing the food and all soft drinks. Adults will be provided with a wine reception on arrival only, therefore you are welcome to bring your own bottle.
We hope this will be an enjoyable evening where you can get together with old friends to reminisce and have some craic.
To enable to plan for catering purposes please can you provide the names of those attending ASAP no later than Friday 6th June and any dietary requirements by one of the following two options
- Phone Colin McShane on 07802854749
- Phone Robert McKissick on 07765490638
- Phone Willie Mawhinney on 07780628537
- Phone Paul Entwistle on 07501483708
Colin / Charlie / Willie / Paul